Keto-diet — a delicious way towards the ideal of the figure of the

All of us, especially the representatives of the beautiful sex, we want to achieve impeccable shape, and with the pride of wearing the clothes. And most of us is for this, apparently, quite logical, the plan of action: eat less — if you don't die of hunger, is to remove the fat by actively participating in the sport. The problem is that the time to bear such an impossible mode, and after quite predictable failure of the withdrawal kilos back again to the city. Out of this vicious circle is, even though he also require beach patience and discipline, but the result is going to be sustainable, the muscle mass, not lose, but the state of the skin improves.

Naturally occurring fats are the basis of the keto-diet

What is the keto-diet

It is incredible, but the keto-diet is a tool that was originally designed not to lose weight, but to improve the situation of children who suffer from epilepsy. In 1921, an endocrinologist Rolling Vodit noticed for the first time that in conditions of low-carbohydrate, high-power, the liver produces ketone of the body; in that same year, the therapist russell wilder he called such a diet, keto-diet, and began to be used for the treatment of epilepsy in cases in which medications were not giving results. Soon, the medical staff has noticed that patients of steel thinner and easier, so keto-diet has received a new address for development. The most famous of today's low carbohydrate diets, like the Atkins diet paleo-diet, etc, are more recent variations of the keto-diet. How does it work?

For most people, the idea of the consumption of fats in order to reduce the weight seems paradoxical. In order to understand the mechanism of the keto-diet, let us recall how it works the metabolism of the person. Carbohydrates are the primary and most affordable source of energy. In the limited income of the carbohydrates the body no longer is able to obtain energy through the fission glucose and is forced to use alternative sources of energy, i.e. fats, which are processed in the liver with the formation of ketone tel — this condition is known as ketosis. In the opinion of many nutritionists, keto-diet is not only an effective means in the struggle for the slender figure, but also is able to significantly improve the state of patients with these diagnoses, such as cancer, alzheimer's disease, autism, schizophrenia, and depression.

The effectiveness of the keto-diet

Subject to your compliance with all the rules of keto-diet, gives excellent results. The amount of kilos per week can vary from 0, 5 to 2.5, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Efficacy is seen to many girls that don't get you to lose weight with the help of other diets; keto-diet is also very popular among men and women who practice bodybuilding, because it does not lead to the loss of muscle mass.

The best protein content in keto-diet contributes to the preservation of muscle mass

Pros and cons of the keto-diet

Those confirmed by the institute and in practice the advantages of this mode of feeding are:

  1. Proven efficacy. The state of ketosis contributes to a rapid loss of body fat mass in comparison with other diets, for example, with nishiiwai.
  2. The absence of the feeling of hunger: you can always take a snack of products of the permitted list.
  3. In keto-diet does not have a strict sequence of dishes, you can select and combine the products in accordance with your preferences. One only needs to follow a common formula the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, that is to say, the 75%:20%:5%, respectively.
  4. Keto-diet does not lead to the loss of muscle mass. The weight is borne by subcutaneous and visceral fat and not muscle.
  5. Therapeutic and preventive value against diseases such as cancer, the disease Allgamer, epilepsy, depression. For the use of the keto-diet in the treatment of these diseases the consultation with a specialist.
  6. The low rating called the glycemic index of the products allowed on the keto-diet, contributes to improving the condition of the skin, prone to acne.

As well as keto-diet has a considerable impact on the body, by changing metabolic pathways to obtain energy, without the negatives of the parts has not passed:

  1. An extensive list of contraindications (see end of article).
  2. The diet is not balanced, therefore, on a periodic basis, you must undergo a medical examination.
  3. In the first 2 weeks in your body to produce metabolic alignment. Until this process is completed, you may experience fatigue, nausea and difficulty concentrating.
  4. One of the related to the ketosis phenomena — the smell of acetone from the mouth, which also can be found in the keto-diet.
  5. In the shops is very limited selection of low carbohydrate products ready for consumption, so you will have to take the food for lunch and eat with them.
  6. Due to the absence in the diet of cereals, fruits and most vegetables are possible intestinal problems.

The plan of keto-diet

The berries

Table: list of permitted and prohibited products

Allowed productsThe products that you want to exclude
Butter and vegetable oilsProducts with low-fat
Meat, fish, seafoodThe sugar in all types of
The eggsCereals, flour products
NutsFruits, nuts
Green vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes in a small amount ofThe potatoes and other vegetables with high content of carbohydrates
Berries in a small number ofLegumes
Natural dairy products, in addition to the milkThe corn
A dry wine, spirituous beverages — rum, brandy, whiskey (no more than one drink a day)The beer and the alcoholic beverages, beverages that contain sugar

Preparation of the diet and a food plan

Keto-diet is a low carbohydrate diet with a high level of consumption of fats and moderate in proteins. There are several types of this diet:

  1. Standard keto-diet includes the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a ratio of 75%:20%:5%.
  2. Circular keto-diet is based on a scheme of 5 days of feeding of the rules of the keto-diet — 2-day high-carbohydrate diet, or a carbohydrate boot".
  3. Objective keto-diet-includes supplements of carbohydrates before and after training.
  4. Proteomics keto-diet is similar to the standard, but with a high percentage of protein in the diet: the proportion of fat, proteins and carbohydrates is 60%:35%:5%.

Keep in mind that only on the basis of a standard, and protein diets are located here extensive clinical studies. Circular and destination of the keto-diet is actively practiced by the bodybuilders-entrepreneurs, but their safety has not been demonstrated clinically, so that below we shall consider only the standard version of the keto-diet.

To calculate approximately how much you need to consume protein each day, use a simple formula: 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of weight. That is to say, if your weight is 80 kg, you should consume 80 grams of protein a day. Then, in function of the proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates we obtain a number that indicates the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the day should be consumed, — 300 and 20 grams, respectively. However, you can increase the consumption of carbohydrates (but not more than 50 grams per day). If, after the completion of the adaptation period of approximately 2 weeks — still feel the fatigue and difficulty concentrating, you try to gradually increase the consumption of carbohydrate by 5 grams per week. Starting keto-diet best gently, little by little reducing carbohydrate products in your diet, so that the process of restructuring of metabolism maximum the better it is for your body, and so little out of it. The duration of the keto-diet depends on their well-being and the recommendations of your doctor, but sticking with this diet less than a month makes sense, since that half that time will be adapted.

The omelet of two eggs with bacon

Example of menu (options to choose)


  1. The omelet of two eggs with bacon in the olive oil.
  2. Omelet of one egg and three proteins with mushrooms, spinach and vegetables, sprinkled with feta cheese.
  3. Half of an avocado, boiled egg, a slice of smoked salmon and 2 baked tomato.


  1. Turkey baked in yogurt with mushrooms, cheese and vegetables.
  2. A piece of baked chicken or meat with a portion of green salad, loaded with olive oil.
  3. Spinach salad with grilled prawns (chunks of salmon, chicken or beef), with cubes of strong cheese in the selection, sprinkled with walnuts and dried cranberries.

The dinner

  1. Fillet of grilled salmon with asparagus, cooked or broccoli, colosseum covered with the butter.
  2. Mediterranean salad of beans, cooked eggs, olives, cucumber, feta cheese and olive oil on the lettuce leaves.


  1. Almond-berry smoothie-almond-milk curd or ricotta cheese, a handful of berries favorite, and a dash of vanilla extract.
  2. A handful of nuts of your choice.
  3. Cut-up vegetables (cucumber, celery) with guacamole.
  4. Cheese onion bulbs finely grated sharp cheese with natural yoghurt, obalanya in chopped pistachios.

Table: carbohydrate content in some products

The productPortion contains 6 g of carbohydrates
The avocado1/2 piece
Nuts30 g
Pine nuts30 g
The coconut milk3/4 cup
The coconut (pulp)1/2 cup
Almonds30 g (23 nuts)
Cashews22 the sr.
Sunflower seeds1/4 cup
Pistachios30 g (47 pistachios)
Hazelnuts45 g
Milk yogurt the channels bowel100 ml
The cherry1/2 cup
The strawberry2/3 cup
Blueberries1/2 cup
Raspberry1/2 cup
The currant1/2 cup
Blueberries1/3 cup


Ginger roast beef

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 2, loin without bone, incised the upper part of strips,
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil,
  • Ginger roast beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 clove of crushed garlic,
  • 2 small tomato, diced
  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger,
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar,
  • salt, pepper.
  1. Pour the oil in a frying pan, brown steaks over medium heat.
  2. When the two parts are well browned, add the onion, garlic and tomatoes.
  3. Mix in a cup of ginger, the salt, the pepper and the vinegar, add, stirring, to the meat.
  4. Cover with a lid, lower the heat and cook to evaporate the liquid.
  5. However, a sprinkle of vegetation.

Nutritional information per serving: 370 calories, 27 grams of fat, 7 grams of carbohydrates, 46 grams of protein.

Nutritious cobb salad-

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 100 grams of ham,
  • 4 cherry tomatoes, cut in halves,
  • 30 grams of blue cheese,
  • 2 beans-cooked eggs,
  • 2 cups romaine lettuce,
  • half of an avocado, diced,
  • 2 slices of bacon,
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apple cider vinegar,
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and dijon mustard,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the ham into cubes and fry in sprinkle olive oil in frying pan. The eggs cut in slices, the cheese in cubes. Put all the ingredients in a lettuce leaf in the form of strips. Mix the components of the load and pour the salad. Nutritional information per serving: 208 kcal, 8 grams of fat, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 31 grams of protein.

If you decide to follow the rules of the keto-diet

Read the recommendations of the doctors to be the to achieve the desired result, as well as to avoid possible side effects.

  1. Pass the medical examination. This is the first and mandatory programs that should not be overlooked. Keto-diet is contraindicated for people with certain diseases.
  2. Read the list of foods allowed — which, in general, you must meet with your gastronomic preferences. If you're the greatest in the world a lover in the bananas, spaghetti and potatoes " guangcheng, you should select a different system of weight reduction: the resignation of all the favorite dishes right away it will be for you an excess of stress, which didn't exactly go for the benefit of your well-being and mood.
  3. Nutritious cobb salad-
  4. Try not to plan in the first two weeks of the diet of any important matters of labor and feats. Remember that at this time, your body will be able to adapt and operate in slow motion.
  5. Plan your time so that your scope for the preparation of the food. The majority of products allowed on the keto-diet, requires a treatment culinary, especially in the case you want a little bit of diversify your menu.
  6. Do not forget to include in your diet green vegetables: spinach, cucumbers, celery. Contain few carbohydrates, but are a source of fibre that ensures the regular functioning of the intestine.
  7. Drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day to solve probably the smell of the acetone and to improve the functioning of the kidneys.
  8. Include in your diet quality, the coconut oil cold pressed: this is the best source of triglycerides of medium length, they are easily converted into ketones.
  9. Don't be afraid of salt to food, if you like: the salt helps to restore the balance of electrolytes, which breaks into a keto-diet.
  10. Necessarily the vitamin-mineral complex. Keto-diet is unbalanced and may not provide your body with all the substances.
  11. If you are active doing sports with high load aerobic, keep in mind that your training capacity may decrease, as well as in the keto-diet glycogen stores in the muscles decrease.