Lose weight without damaging your health in a month

Often people are faced with the fact that after losing weight they start to feel worse. All these strict diets, intense training through strength, unpleasant foods or drinks in one way or another negatively affect your health, because everything must be kept in moderation. When asked if it is possible to lose weight without harming the body, the answer is simple: you can do it if you follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Basic rules for harmless weight loss

Losing weight without damaging your health is not that difficult, you just need to follow certain rules and take into account the characteristics of your body:

  • It is important to prepare in advance for a weight loss course. This means not only physical preparation (registration in a sports section or pool), but also moral - you will certainly have to change, if not your lifestyle, some habits, and this is always stress.
  • You need to lose weight gradually. It is impossible to lose weight quickly without harm to health - by drastically limiting the amount of food and increasing physical activity, you will get a lot of problems with the stomach, immunity and nervous system.
  • You cannot set unreachable goals. If you have always worn clothes in size 52, you shouldn't dream of changing them to size 42; this is almost impossible for physiological reasons. But reducing the volume by a couple of sizes is quite possible.
  • Combine physical activity with a proper diet, then the process of losing weight will be much more effective and will not harm the body.
  • As soon as you feel your health deteriorating, you should immediately seek the help of a specialist who will help you adjust your weight loss program.
  • You cannot lose weight without damaging your health with just the help of mono diets. In addition, the pounds lost in this way will quickly return at the end of the diet
  • You must control your drinking regime: drink at least 2 liters of water a day (not counting tea, coffee, juice).

Gradual weight loss

how to lose weight without harming your health

You should never lose weight drastically, because it is very dangerous to your health. All express weight loss programs are designed for a short period, approximately 3 to 4 days. For some, the result is not enough and they continue to eat very poorly, losing strength over time. Lethargy and apathy appear.

Also, there are many side effects that are difficult to remove:

  • The liver is overloaded. This leads to poisoning of the body with toxins and decomposition products.
  • Metabolism can be disturbed, which is fraught with diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Acidosis occurs, a violation of the acid-base balance in the body.
  • A spectacular weight loss will not increase your attractiveness: the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby, flabby, the hair becomes dull, and the nails become brittle.
  • Strict dietary restrictions lead to vitamin deficiencies. This is especially dangerous in winter, when immunity must be strengthened with vitamins and minerals.
  • Due to lack of nutrients, blood pressure drops, headaches, weakness, dizziness and increased fatigue appear.
  • Fasting often causes edema, because the expression "bloating with hunger" did not appear out of nowhere. Protein in the blood has the ability to retain water around it, and when it is lacking, the fluid is distributed in the intercellular space.

In no case should fasting and express diets be used for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus. Such experiments are fraught with grave consequences for them, even death.

It is much more correct and safe to lose weight gradually without damaging your health, combining a reasonable diet with a feasible physical activity. Nutritionists are sure: the slower the kilograms go, the less chance they will return.

How to lose weight without damaging your health

To lose weight without further health problems, you just need to choose a diet that suits your lifestyle, add vitamins and exercise, and most importantly, be patient, because the ideal can never be quick and easy.

Consumption regime

Water is life force and energy. A person can live longer without food than without water, because the body is made up of more than half. Therefore, it is very important to drink water constantly while trying to lose weight. It helps to eliminate toxins and toxins that have accumulated in the body during the previous time. You should drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day (including tea, coffee, compote, freshly squeezed juice, soup), while 2 liters of them should be ordinary purified water.

If you want to lose weight without harming your health, then forgo packaged juices and other dubious composition drinks, carbonated lemonades and the like. Keep in mind that the water you drink must be mineral (bottled) or, in extreme cases, filtered. This will help replenish your body with minerals.


vitamins needed during weight loss

During the course of weight loss, one way or another you will have to give up some foods or consume less. This will affect your metabolism, immunity, general health, so don't be lazy to drink a course of multivitamins. No matter how mild the diet is, it is still a stress on the body and such care will help it recover faster. Choose a good multivitamin that contains the nutrients your body needs. Ordinary fish oil is very useful - today it is not necessary to swallow it, fighting with disgust, the drug is available in capsules.

Approximate periods for taking vitamins: 2 months. During this time, you only have time to adjust to a new diet. Then you can take a break.

Physical activity

Today, there are many different weight loss programs that are based on physical activity. A good option to get rid of extra kilos would be active walking or jogging, intense cycling, trail running, jumping rope, gymnastics.

If time and financial resources allow, you must enroll in a sports section, gym or gymnasium and follow the instructions of the instructor. In the sports complex you will find many activities to your liking: dancing, stretching, yoga, Pilates, swimming in the pool. Whatever you do, you should enjoy it and be encouraged.

Power setting

Perhaps the most important and challenging part of losing weight without harming your health is changing your diet. This should be done gradually, without creating a stressful situation for your body. At the same time, it is important to change not only the menu, but also the regimen: learn to eat in small portions up to 6 times a day. Flush once a week and drink only water (no gas). For convenience, it will be useful to keep a diary in which you write down each meal, its energy value.

Reduce the consumption of trans fats (fried, smoked), boil or bake meat, steam cooking. Throw away semi-finished products from the store, as no one can say for sure what they have in their composition. Forget snacks: chips, candy, cookies. Eat a complete food that contains carbohydrates, fiber, protein components. When you switch to fractional meals, it will seem at first that you are eating even more than before. You will also not feel hungry.

Calculation of food calories

calorie calculation for weight loss

It is not enough to reduce the amount of food. If you are serious about the weight loss process, you must make sure that you have reduced the calories consumed per day, which forces the body to produce energy from fat stores. First, you need to know how many calories you need for normal activity during the day. For this, there are special formulas that help to calculate the necessary numbers:

  • Women: 10 * weight (kg) + 6. 25 * height (cm) - 5 * age - 161.
  • Men: 10 * weight (kg) + 6. 25 * height (cm) - 5 * age + 5.

The resulting figure must be multiplied by the multiplication factor, which varies according to the activity:

  • sedentary lifestyle: 1, 2;
  • low activity (walking, housework): 1. 375;
  • average activity (jogging, yoga, frequent walks): 1. 55;
  • high activity (playing sports 5-7 days a week): 1, 725;
  • very active (professional athletes): 1. 9.

Healthy diet

To lose weight, you don't have to torture yourself with severe restrictions. There are types of healthy weight loss diets that only require you to choose healthy foods wisely and avoid unhealthy ones.

Basic requirements:

  • eat more green vegetables;
  • eat foods containing calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, vegetable fats: lean meat, fish, fermented dairy products, cereals;
  • drink water before meals;
  • do not eat fruit immediately after eating, wait at least 30 minutes;
  • Eliminate the consumption of sugar, flour products, fatty sauces.

Try the so-called 21-day English diet. Its meaning consists in alternating two "protein" days with two "vegetables". But you need to start the diet with two days of fasting, on the first of which you need to drink a liter of milk, kefir or yogurt, supplement them with a tomato and a slice of black bread, and on the second - eat two kilograms of fruit (bananas and grapes are excluded), washed down with a liter of unsweetened green. tea.

Later in the "protein" days you can eat lean meat, baked fish, 1 or 2 eggs a day, a slice of cheese, whole wheat bread, and nuts. On "vegetable days": cucumber and tomato salad, vegetable stew, stewed aubergine, zucchini, green beans. Seasonal apples, pears, berries are allowed.

Make the last day downloading again, similar to the first. And remember that such a diet should not be repeated more often than after 4-5 months.