The power to the gastritis in the period of sharpening (with high and low acidity) + Menu

The pain in the stomach when gastritis

Gastritis is a disease that is found in all age groups of the population. The evil of many predisposing factors, in particular:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • errors in the diet;
  • frequent stress;
  • taking certain medicines.

Women are often faced with manifestations of gastritis during pregnancy, when the stomach applied to the growing uterus, and the processes of digestion of the food have been violated. The diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis is one of the benefits of essential oils treatment, especially when a woman is expecting a baby, and many of the drugs of she to drink hotel.

The value of the diet of the gastritis in the phase of exacerbation of the

Sometimes the symptoms are acute and, "having visited" a person once, it will never come again. But most of the gastritis progresses to a chronic form. Then the episodes of exacerbation happen from time to time, in moments in which, for one reason or another, the inflammatory process is active. Have to repeat the course of treatment.

Great importance has the power to gastritis in the period of exacerbation. Some medications subject is not going to help: the mucosa is in a condition of active inflammation and non-compliance of dietary recommendations new you will receive damage. The treatment of the diet inefficiently. Now it is necessary to minimize all the factors that irritate the mucosa.

The symptoms of an exacerbation include:

  • pain in the stomach area;
  • the gravity in the epigastric;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • periodic nausea.

Of course, not all of them necessarily will appear, in addition to the different types of gastritis symptoms different. Sometimes the only symptom becomes a pain in the ulcer is usually "pain of hunger", that is to say, occur when the person a long time ago that it did not accept the food, to the gastritis can be any.

The chronic gastritis in the phase of exacerbation you need to be careful in the treatment. The patient is recommended a special diet, whose function is to maintain the normal functioning of the organs of the endoscopy, creating soft conditions for the period, as long as the disease will not return to the phase of remission. The menu to the gastritis is not as diverse as for the whole of the healthy person, but it allows you to receive a full diet. As the remission of aggravated symptoms of gastritis in the diet to include more complex on the composition of the products.

How to eat with the worsening of the gastritis

Each one, although sometimes it was with the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to know the correct way of eating with the worsening of the gastritis. The basic principle of the diet mechanical, thermal and chemical sparing.

Mechanical-sparing, is obtained by crushing until creamy consistency (kitchen ground, boiled, soft or powdered blender). Thermal, by the consumption of foods in hot (hot or cold hotel). Optimally, if the temperature of the plates will be close to normal body temperature (36-37 °C). Chemical-saving – due to the exclusion of the products, which can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice parietal cells (salted, smoked, sharp, fried) or they may act aggressively in the mucosa (for example, the pepper, the horseradish, mustard).

During the exacerbation of the chronic gastritis and to any attack of power must be fractional. The basis of the table no. 1, which was designed especially for these cases. Diet no. 1 is "sections", which should be taken into account in the different degrees of severity of the exacerbation. If the gastritis is combined with other gastrointestinal diseases, e.g., ulcerative disease, chronic pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis or a reflux-gastritis, at the stage of dying of the worsening of the patient results in the table no. 5.

The basis of the diet in the diseases of the stomach is one of the soups, especially the mucous, jelly, puree, and flour food. The heat treatment is roasting, steam. After the outbreak calms down, you can prepare the food, bake without the formation of a crust.

The power to the gastritis in the period of exacerbation of the

The power to the gastritis in the phase of exacerbation should include required by the agency for the early recovery of vitamins and minerals. It is important that the patient receives a sufficient amount of protein food. This is necessary to damage to the mucosa of the stomach faster healing, and other organs do not suffer from lack of protein.

The menu should be as well, that were present in the diet with vitamins A, B, C, D, E. to Eat, you must drobno to relieve as much as possible the intestinal tract.

The diet at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis

At the time of worsening of the gastritis is prescribed in the table no. 1. But it is necessary to remember that the power of the gastritis with low, high and normal acidity has some differences. It is important to take into account still a factor, as the presence or absence of comorbidity. Therefore, the power in the period of exacerbation conforms to the schema of the table no. 2, 3, 5a, 5b. As the worsening of the silent, tables change:

1-3 days Table no. 1a
4 -7 day Table no. 1b
8 day forward Table no. 1

Products and dishes during the exacerbation of the

The menu to the gastritis at the time of the recurrence must comply with the main requirements:

  • meals should be mild;
  • the food necessarily is milled;
  • the breaks between meals should be no more than 3.5-4 hours.

Diet for the most of the disease is stews and cooked vegetables, cereals, liquids, soups. It is necessary to start with the more mild dishes, then move on to the normal food, but it is desirable to exclude completely (even after recovery) spices, a great quantity of salt, sausages, alcohol. All of this irritates the wall of the stomach, and at any time of the gastritis can get worse.

You can eat in the phase of exacerbation of the

General principles of the preparation of the dishes – it is necessary to prepare the steam or bake, make your rubs or mucous membranes. This food does not harm the walls of the stomach, are easily digested, nutrients are quickly digestible.

The food at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis can be something like this:

The product That useful
The mucous membranes of the soups Wrap of the stomach wall;

well digested;

provide the body with substances benefits of essential oils

Steamed vegetables With a proper heat treatment provide the necessary amount of vitamins, fiber
Lean meat Fed to the proteins.

In principle this meatballs of minced meat, steaks, turkey, rabbit, turkey.

Then go on to the cooked meat part pieces

Honey It fills the need of carbohydrates

All meals must be hot, prepared without the use of condiments. To use in small amounts, sweets – candy, marshmallows, jam, jelly. Kefir and fermented baked milk cannot be used in the first 2-3 days after the beginning of the period of exacerbation. In these days it is possible to prepare the milk of the mucous membranes or liquids cereals and milk. Then add a day of lean kefir, even after several days – fermented baked milk.

Impaled on the plug of vegetables

Prohibited products in the diet of the gastritis in the phase of exacerbation of the

Diet for gastritis in the phase of exacerbation assumes a special menu. In a long period, strictly strictly prohibited fresh fruits and vegetables, which may irritate the stomach.

You can not consume soft drinks, strong tea. Under the ban of coffee, chocolate, cocoa. With caffeine products constrict the blood vessels, called of that ordinary way of spasm which manifests itself by the appearance or strengthening of pain.

The symptoms of gastritis after the start of treatment, with the time passed, however, follow a diet should be of long duration, for the stomach lining completely regenerated and resumed the exercise of their functions.

The diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis heartburn.

The food at the time of worsening of the gastritis with an increase in acidity should be approximately the same as that of the worsening of the ulcer. This type of gastritis, called hyperacidity. The essence of the disease consists in the acid clorhdrico. In the mucosa begins the inflammatory process, occurs the formation of foci, similar to burns, it is observed the appearance of small ulcers.

Therefore, in the menu of the patient should include products that do not affect the mucosa, making the stomach to develop even more of a secret. In the diet of a patient must prevail:

  • fish stew and fish in a couple of lean of varieties;
  • porridge on the water (well boiled);
  • kissel;
  • tortillas in a couple of.

If you want vegetables, you can afford to include in the diet, but only in the form of puree. Ideal mashed potatoes. It is satisfactory, nutritious, does not irritate the stomach sick.

The diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis with low acidity

The menu to the gastritis with low acidity for the sharpening different. Here the goal is to make the stomach produce more of a secret. When hypoacid gastritis patient has a deficiency of B vitamins (in particular B₁₂), C, PP. Your stomach badly protected against the "invasion" of pathogenic micro-organisms due to the small amount of gastric juice. When atrophic gastritis acidity can decrease almost to zero.

For a bit of stimulating the stomach, is you must sometimes add in the diet of salted fish. To minimize the effects of the slowness of the digestion of food, it is necessary to eliminate from the diet:

  • fresh bread;
  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • crêpes;
  • the fatty meats.

The task of the doctor and the patient – to prevent the processes of fermentation and to help the stomach more efficient work. The food also must be crushed, heated. Meals – every 3.5 hours.

The diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis with the co-infection of the pathology

The chronic gastritis more frequent, along with other diseases, for example, with chronic pancreatitis, diseases of the gallbladder. The diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis, should be developed taking into account the requirements of the letter in the treatment of the underlying disease.

The pumpkin soup

The menu at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers

So, the diet at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcer is to split meals in small portions. In the menu may include dishes such as pumpkin soup or broccoli soup – both in the form of a soup-puree.

You can prepare the milk of noodles. Porridge of rice with milk, semolina, wheat and buckwheat cereals are also allowed. With the development of gastritis is not necessary to use and old-fashioned oats, quick-cooking. If you have the need to say, in fast and secure way to snack – it is better to use the infant and young child feeding. Yes – not on purpose, and yes, it is safer than the express porridge.

In the diet of a person, the patient of chronic gastritis, should be fruits and vegetables, but in the period of exacerbation are only allowed in the oven and braised form and in smaller quantities.

The power supply must be such that the patient has experienced the feeling of hunger, otherwise you will begin to overcome the "hunger" pain, swelling is prolonged.

The food at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis

The diet at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis a little different. In this case, the amount of calories that immediately after the mitigation the attack, when the patient is allowed to feed himself, that is reduced to 1,500 per day. Gradually, as the disease regress of consumption increases.

The sick are allowed the diet meals of well-cooked rice, soups, lean the broth, a little later – soup cream of cottage cheese.

Liquid – a weak tea, best green, compote of dried fruit, pudding.

The diet of gastritis and cholecystitis in the phase of exacerbation of the

When cholecystitis is broken the reflux of bile, so that the treatment should be aimed at reducing the types of food, for the treatment that requires a large amount of bile. The diet at the time of an exacerbation of gastritis is based on the principles of the table no. 5. The gallbladder inflamed – therefore, the best thing of all is the variety of the diet, which is called "table 5a". Unlike table 5b, recommended when the pancreatitis — the foods that can take a little less, does not require a polishing to puree state.

The menu at the time of worsening of the gastritis with an increase of the acidity in the week

Composing the menu of each day, when it is necessary to follow a diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis with increased acidity, it must be remembered that the power is different from the monotony, since so much is forbidden, so it pays to learn different ways of cooking the same dish, but in different ways.

The menu for the week around the following.

The day of the week     The intake of food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 Weak tea with biscuits Tortilla The pumpkin soup Baked apple The curd
2 A glass of warm milk Buckwheat porridge Braised chicken The kefir Porridge
3 Tea with pieces of dry bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree of any Baked apple Fish stew
4 Endive with milk, a couple of croutons Porridge Tortilla Cottage cheese Kissel with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea, Pear in the oven Steam dumplings Tea with marshmallow, soufflé The kefir
6 The entire liquid slurry Mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls The tea, jam Cottage cheese
7 Natural yoghurt The cream of wheat The milk of noodles Steamed fish Steamed vegetables

The diet at the time of worsening of the gastritis with low acidity: the menu of the week

The correct feeding at the time of exacerbation of the chronic gastritis with low acidity, also includes mashed vegetables and the mucous membranes of the soups. But the menu of the week with the worsening of the gastritis more diverse than in the case of hyperacidity gastritis.

The day of the week     The intake of food
  1 2 3 4 5
1 The boiled egg, tea, Cottage cheese Chicken soup

(not fatty)

Baked pear Kefir or ryazhenka
2 Weak tea, a little toast bread with jam The porridge of rice Braised chicken Mashed potatoes,

salty fish

3 Tea with pieces of dry bread Cottage cheese Soup-puree of any Baked apple Fish stew
4 Endive with milk, a couple of croutons Porridge Tortilla Cottage cheese Kissel with crackers
5 Oatmeal, tea, Pear in the oven Steam dumplings Tea with marshmallow, soufflé The kefir
6 The entire liquid slurry Mashed potatoes Cabbage rolls The tea, jam Cottage cheese
7 Natural yoghurt The cream of wheat The milk of noodles Steamed fish Steamed vegetables

Little by little, as remission of the exacerbation of the diet expands. But you should always take into account the restriction of the salt and the spices. If the proposal of the power is not enough, you need more meals (in smaller quantities, but more often).

Recipes for diet chronic gastritis

Diet for patients with gastritis during the exacerbation are the foods that facilitate the digestion of food and full of digest.

In the menu of the patient, may enable the milk of noodles.

The recipe of noodles

The recipe is very simple: you must boil in saucepan a little milk, dilute it with water (to the water was less than half). Then pour small pasta, simmer for 10 minutes. Salt and add little by little. Let it rest.

The porridge of rice

The recipe for rice and oatmeal with raisins

Rice with raisins – a dish that can be eaten at breakfast and as a snack.

Pour the rice with cold water and milk, simmer until it will not seethe. Then leave in the porridge, several raisins and ğsemántica, for a little smoothing. The slurry present in the form of heat.

The recipe of the tortilla

Take 2 eggs, break them down into the cup, where you add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a little water. You have to remove, until a homogeneous condition. Pour in the hot pan, close the lid.

The recipe for the chicken soup

Weld the second broth with a leg of chicken, be sure to remove the foam, add the finely chopped onion, carrots and potatoes. The arc can not be added, since it is going to irritate the stomach.

The correct value of the diet during the exacerbation of the gastritis it is difficult to overestimate. In the diet should include diet meals, cooked with the vapor, without the spices and the salt with the least amount of sugar. Nutrition – the promise of a quick recovery. You can even a little weight loss, if you have extra pounds.

If you have reached the gastritis, fear of not worth. Yes, it is frustrating, but hard to overcome the phase of exacerbation of the can. Just have to have beach patience, follow the doctor's recommendations and respect the power mode. Then the gastritis for a long time will recede.